Your story is a gift.

I’d be so happy to tell it in the most impactful way possible...

My name is Catherine Pink and I am a creative producer. I’m the youngest of five children with over a decade between me and my closest sibling. I’ve always felt that this gave me a secret look into the future and helped me appreciate what is important in the here and now. And with all those voices and personalities around me, I became a very compassionate listener. I hear you. I feel you. And your story. I want to know all the details to understand the entire picture in order to create a fleshed out narrative. I take comfort in having a solid plan to work against. I am drawn to order and beauty. 

Over the past fifteen years I have worked in avenues mixing visual arts, music, and video production in all types of mediums. In the last few years, I worked as EP/Head of Production to launch the startup post production company, Hiatus. Prior to that I was Creative Producer at o2 creative solutions, an experience design firm.  

In this new chapter as a freelance producer, I hope to meet creatives from all walks of life, experience new challenging projects and produce compelling visual stories.



Good work takes time.

Lead by listening.

There are no foolish questions.