Bumble Find Real

This was such a fulfilling project comprised by a team that worked their butts off. Production kicked it off with several weeks of shooting by the amazing female-led production company, Hummingbird, and five of their very talented directors. Then working direct to client, I post produced and music supervised thirteen 30-second spots, which highlighted real Bumble users across the country. Here are a few of the spots from the campaign.



Claire is magnetic. Her pen drawings remind me of the power of putting ink to paper. So therapeutic.



She stands out. She calls it like she sees it. I love her spirit.



He’s just the sweetest most well-traveled country boy you’ve ever met.


One of the goals of the campaign was to show that Bumble is more than a dating app. They have different versions of the platform for networking (bumblebizz) and friends (bumblebff).

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Post Producer
Music Curation
Direct to Client


Generator Z


Mustang Practice